
Transformative Leadership Connections

Transformative Leadership Connections (TLC) was founded on January 4, 2021, following my illustrious 35-year career with NASA. Its creation was rooted in my passion for serving others and making a positive difference in people’s lives. As a former leader, executive, and parent, I found tremendous joy and satisfaction in helping my organizations, colleagues, and children achieve their vision and aspirations.  However, the primary catalyst of TLC’s formation stemmed from three major events: the tragic loss of my mentor in a workplace violence incident; seeing an employee lose hope and commit suicide; and other employees whose hardened hearts and jaded minds prevented them from achieving their full potential. TLC’s mission is to prevent another senseless loss of life while helping others realize their full potential to live a more powerful, productive, and purposeful life.

Despite our best-laid plans, unexpected barriers divert us, forcing us to make multiple course corrections. Sometimes those choices are excruciating and require personal sacrifices, which can have unintended adverse effects. Everyone has the freedom of choice, but the available options may not be intuitively obvious or what you think you desire. My clients discover new possibilities when their perspectives are broadened by removing blinders and overcoming internal barriers. Insights gained allow clients to better manage, conserve, and apply their energy to higher priority items. By integrating various coaching tools and techniques with my extensive career and personal experiences, I understand and appreciate multiple perspectives, which allows me to coach without judgment.  This practical knowledge helps clients I coach achieve their aspirations, missions, and goals while also benefiting clients requesting consulting services.

As the founder of TLC, I carry the values instilled in me by my faith, parents, family, NASA, and iPEC. I am dedicated to my client’s needs and well-being, even referring clients to other coaches or resources who may better serve them. Coaching sessions are confidential and follow the guidelines provided by iPEC and the International Coaching Federation. Consulting services vary based on agreements negotiated between the client and TLC.

NASA became a life-long dream at age 7 when I saw Neil Armstrong walk on the moon, so I can confidently say dreams do come true. NASA allowed me to contribute to our nation’s exploration goals and experience multiple cultures across the United States and Russia, Japan, Canada, and Europe. I appreciate the numerous awards and recognitions throughout my career; however, the incredibly brilliant and talented people I met and worked with are what I cherish the most. TLC provides me an opportunity to give back and honor those that contributed to my success.

I want to acknowledge and thank NASA, my former NASA colleagues, the Institute for Professional Excellence in Coaching (iPEC), its faculty, staff members, and coaching colleagues. The family environment, trust, dedication, and countless hours of training, guidance, and support allowed me to experience a rewarding 35-year career and become a Leadership Consultant and a Certified Professional Coach.

Manned Flight Awareness award pin from Astronaut Winston Scott, Mission Specialist on Space Shuttle Missions, STS-72 and STS-87
aware, conscious, mindful
John Young, the 9th man to walk on the moon and 1st Space Shuttle Commander
compass, hand, travel
stress, pressure, anxiety
compass, direction, concept
KSC Engineering Directorate Senior Executives
life, humanity, civilization
First JSC Gold Coin Recipient Presented by Center Director, Mike Coats (right) and Deputy Center Director, Ellen Ochoa (left), and guest, Linda Beverly (wife of my first mentor, David Beverly, who lost his life in a workplace violence incident at work)
hands, hand, together

Click on these icons to learn more about my certifications


  • 2020 JSC Engineering Legacy Award
  • 2017 NASA Exceptional Service Medal
  • 2009 NASA Outstanding Leadership Medal
  • 2008-2010 Senior Executive Service Career Development Program Graduate
  • 2008 Center Director’s Gold Coin Award (1st Recipient)
  • 2002-2004 JSC Leadership Development Program Graduate
  • 2000 NASA Exceptional Service Medal
  • 1997 JSC Legal Commendation Letter
  • 1996 Space Flight Awareness Team Award
  • 1994, 1995 Superior Accomplishment Awards
  • 1993, 1996 Lyndon B. Johnson Space Center Certification of Commendation
  • 1993 Manned Flight Awareness Award


NASA is an inspiring place to work, but I owe much of my success to the humble beginnings of my parents. They taught me to appreciate everything in life and to remember respect is earned, not a given.  I’ve carried this mantra throughout my life, and it has kept me humble and respectful of others. 

My parents survived World War II, impoverished conditions, and other racial, social, and economic issues without complaints or expectations of others.   They immigrated to the United States when the U.S. Army transferred Dad to Fort Hamilton, NY, in 1950. My parents passed their values, beliefs, and outlook in life to their children. Each of us learned how to rise above life’s challenges, take care of one another, achieve success, and pass our legacy onto our children. Each of you can do the same, and I can help as your coach.

When it comes to life, remember, “Pain is inevitable; suffering is optional.”  (Bruce D. Schneider, IPEC Founder)

Happy Couple
The Early Years:
Loving Children
Our Daughter
"She Touched Our Lives Like No One Has Ever Done. She'll Forever Be An Inspiration To Everyone."
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